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BLOG Read Aquatots Latest Swimming Tips And Advice.

Swimming Safely Through Summer Holidays

With the sun out and summer finally arriving, you’re probably thinking of activities to enjoy with your children, and no doubt some of these involve water – dusting off the paddling pool, playing around in other water features, taking a trip to the beach or maybe a holiday abroad. As parents, we love to see our children enjoying the water, but of course, we also want them to be safe and with over 70% of UK child drownings/accidents in water […]

Aquatots In Action

The Blissful Baby Levels Our baby levels are just the beginning of your adventure and journey through the Aquatots programme. From the beginning we introduce swims and skills that your baby will develop and improve on all the way through our curriculum. In William's video diary you can see just some of the amazing milestones these youngest 'Aquatots' reach by the end of the baby levels. The Terrific Toddlers Following on from the amazing skills and swims you will learn […]