Providing a Fun, Safe, and Relaxed Experience for all
Working together to provide a safe & fun experience for everyone long term.
What to Bring to your Lesson
- Your Pool Venue Instructions
- Swim Nappy for your little oneTwo tight fitting layers as normal and as always we recommend the Aqua Wrap as the best option for both value and protecting the environment.
- Swimwear on under your ClothingExcept for Nappy wearing Babies / Toddlers.
- Towels for Parent and Child
- Warm Hat for Babies and Toddlers to wear when leaving the pool. After swimming it's important to make sure you dry your baby's ears as much as possible to remove any residual water but for added protection it's good to bring a hat for them to wear after swimming that covers their ears, even if it is just a short walk to the car.
- Change Mat for our younger swimmers who need to be laid down for changing. For best hygiene, we will continue to recommend bringing along your own change mat.
The roll-up versions are very easy to travel with and ideal for a wet environment, as they are waterproof /wipe off and also very soft and comfortable for baby. Alternatively, an extra towel will suffice. - Goggles / Swim Hat or Snorkel & Fins kitIf required for your lessons. Snorkel kit for child levels only.
Your Time at the Pool
- Please read your Pool Information Link supplied with your timetable each term.This will give you all the instructions you need for arriving at the pool. It could explain where parking may be available and where to enter the building for example. It will also include any pool specific rules that may be in place such as swim hats or limited spectators etc.
- Please keep changing times to a minimum and arrive Swim Ready.To minimise time spent within changing areas, we ask that all swimmers come to the pool swim ready, with swimwear under their clothing. The only exception will be our baby swimmers still in nappies, as changing into swimming nappies needs to still happen in designated changing areas. We also ask that changing after the lesson takes place as quickly as possible and you are exiting the building within 15 minutes of your lesson finishing. A great option for children is a quick change into a baby grow or onesie for a swift change.

- Please follow all instructions given by your Teacher.As well as being highly skilled swim teachers, they are the most knowledgeable people you will have at your venue on how best to stay safe whilst with us.
- Spectators or Additional Swim Partners.We require one parent in the water with children at all times and Aquatots love to welcome additional members of the family, from time to time, to see loved ones in action. However, this will vary from pool to pool depending on the size and the rules of the venue. Any visitors must be pre agreed with your Teacher, whether it be to spectate or join the lesson.
- Missed Lessons.Following a detailed review of our booking processes and health and safety procedures, make up lessons will not be offered for the future. We do all we can to ensure swimmers catch up on return, if they have been unlucky enough to miss a lesson, but the additional movement of swimmers temporarily joining lessons was causing disruption to classes and at times resulting in swimmer numbers exceeding our health and safety requirements. To ensure every swimmer gets the very best experience and attention from their regular teacher, we shall keep swimmers within their nominated class only.

All of the above we hope provides you with the information you need to enjoy your next Aquatots Lesson and reassures you that we are, as always, dedicated to providing the very best experience for all. Now all that's left to ask from you is that you have a GREAT TIME in your next lesson!!
See you in the Pool Soon!