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Aquatots – Code Of Conduct

The purpose of this document is to outline the conduct for those attending Aquatots session(s) either as swimmers or observers.  We ask that you follow this Code of Conduct not only to enhance both the child’s and your swimming experience with Aquatots but for the safety and well being of all those attending the pool.


1. In General

  • You should arrive at the pool in sufficient time to allow the class to begin as scheduled
  • You should familiarise yourself with the fire exits and escape procedures at your pool site.
  • You must ensure that those in your care are under your direct supervision from the time of your arrival until departure from the pool site.
  • Respect the privacy of the pool providers. You must not enter any other part of the property other than that which has been allocated to Aquatots for access to and from the pool.
  • You should only park your car in the areas allocated to Aquatots and comply with any instructions provided by Aquatots.
  • Under no circumstances must anyone having suffered from diarrhea or vomiting swim during illness or up to 2 weeks after full recovery and stools have returned to normal.
  • All swimmers who are not fully potty trained must wear 2 swim layers that are tight-fitting around the legs and stomach.
  • Adhere to and follow all written and verbal communication from Aquatots of how to behave both in the water and on-site.

2. In the changing & shower area, you must:

  • Change as quickly as possible before and after swimming, to allow the following class to change.
  • Shower and use the amenities before entering the pool.
  • Not dispose of any rubbish at the pool site. Please take all used nappies, wipes and tissues with you when you leave.
  • Ensure you have all your belongings with you before leaving the pool area.
  • Ensure when entering/leaving changing and pool areas, you do so quietly so as not to disturb the class in progress.
  • Ensure that when you enter and exit the shower you maintain direct supervision of those in your care.

3. At the poolside, you must:

  • Be attentive to the information provided by your Teacher.
  • Not enter the water while there is another class in session and only when requested to by your Teacher.
  • Ensure that you and those in your care do not do anything, which may constitute a danger to yourself or others.
  • You must ensure, that all children are, under your, or another responsible person’s direct supervision, when in or around the pool area. Spectators under 18 years of age, must not be left unattended out of the water, and must not be supervised by a parent in the water partaking in classes with another child. 
  • Not run or allow those in your care to run in the pool area.
  • Not wear outdoor shoes anywhere in the pool area.
  • Report all accidents, dangerous occurrences, unsafe or unhealthy conditions or other hazards to your Teacher.  Ensure that any accident, regardless of how minor (trips, slips or falls) is recorded by the Teacher.

4. The following items are forbidden at the poolside & in the changing area:   

  • No food or drink to be consumed by a child or adult. The exception to this is baby milk.
  • No glass containers.
  • No smoking.

Follow these four steps and you and your child will have fun, safe swimming